Training future providers to be culturally and clinically competent in LGBT health care, working with practicing providers to increase their understanding of the LGBT population and their health needs, advocating for practical health policies supported by empirical research, and working to eliminate laws that discriminate against the LGBT community and their families are all important steps to reducing and ultimately eliminating the health disparities experienced by the LGBT community.
— Daniel, American College of Physicians, 2015
Director of Education, Dr. Jan Oosting delivers a seminar on RHC 4: Caring for the Transgender and Gender Fluid Pediatric Patient.

Director of Education, Dr. Jan Oosting delivers a seminar on RHC 4: Caring for the Transgender and Gender Fluid Pediatric Patient.

Rainbow Health Consulting was formed after a knowledge deficit was identified among health care providers. LGTBQ patients and families often face discrimination by health care professionals when they seek health care. Though this discrimination and stigma is multifactorial, it is partially the result of a lack of education on LGBTQ+ health needs and concerns.

LGBTQ+ individuals face many of the same health concerns as others, but often may be unable to share their concerns with providers if they sense that the providers will judge or misunderstand them. Often, LGBTQ+ patients have been directly affected with discriminatory health care and as a result, may access health care less frequently than their straight, cisgender counterparts. This perception of bias or discrimination can have lifelong health consequences for LGBTQ+ patients.

Additionally, LGBTQ+ patients have health care concerns that are more specific than the general population. LGBTQ+ patients have higher rates of obesity, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, some cancers, tobacco use, violence victimization, and mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety, among other health needs.

Every health care provider deserves an opportunity to provide the best care to every patient and family that they see, and this includes the LGBTQ+ community. Through education and non-judgmental space for inquiry, Rainbow Health Consulting will improve your patient satisfaction scores and healthcare outcomes for your LGBTQ+ patients, employees, and families.



Rainbow Health Consulting envisions a world in which every health care provider can deliver culturally competent, barrier-free healthcare to the LGBTQ+ community.


Rainbow Health Consulting strives to improve healthcare outcomes for the LGBTQ+ community through provider education.


Putting the mission to work:

Our Courses Include:

RHC 1: Caring for the LGBTQ+ Patient

RHC 2: Special Topics in Caring for the LGBTQ+ Patient

RHC 3: Caring for the Transgender and Gender Fluid Patient

RHC 4: Caring for the Transgender and Gender Fluid Pediatric Patient

RHC 5: Caring for LGBTQ+ Elders

RHC 6: Caring for LGBTQ+ Youth